CarryMinati's Yalgaar Is Bad, Here is Why.

Currently India's biggest YouTuber CarryMinati is having the time of his life as a YouTuber. His Channel is at an all time high peak. He has gained over 9 million subscribers this month giving him the record of highest subscribers earned by a YouTube channel in a month ever. His views are skyrocketing around 350 million. This has also impacted his gaming channel called CarryisLive that is at a booming period, gaining ever 1 million subscribers this month while also gaining 70 million views. Ever since YouTube vs TickTock controversy, his channel has not at all slowed down. His channel keeps getting bigger and bigger. Ever since his TickTok vs YouTube:The End video was deleted by YouTube, he has been gaining even more support from not only his fans, both normal and toxic, as well as his YouTube peers. But some YouTubers have also criticized Carry's roasting style and specially his toxic fanbase(I watch Carry sometimes and yes his fanbase is Toxic and even Carry knows this). One of them is was Saiman Says. Now I am a big fan of Saiman because I love his Meme worthy humor along with subtle sarcastic jokes and I love how he calls out YouTubers for their bullshit, but I did not really like his video on CarryMinati. I don't know why but his angle was a little forced and felt weird but in the end his point was that CarryMinati's toxic fanbase was spreading actual hate against people which transforms into cyberbully. Pretty sure Carry never wanted to spread hatred but it had happened. Carry's high school humor attracts toxic audience because they are kids and they are not mature enough. After his video was deleted, clearly Carry was upset and that is why he decided to work on Yalgaar, a song that was supposed to be powerful and good but ended up being shit besides the music by Wily Frezy(his brother).

Break down of Yalgaar:

The first verse of the song is a direct attack on YouTube because he is clearly mad at them for deleting the video from existence. It is kind of shame that he is attacking YouTube for the worse of the problems. Carry is butt hurt and should be. I would be angry if my video that was about break a world record gets deleted from YouTube. But Carry is not looking at it from a deeper perspective. Carry is only thinking about himself here. The only reason I think Carry's video got deleted in the first place is because YouTube saw that the video was used as a license to spread actual hate. His toxic fanbase are the real reason that his video got deleted. Did YouTube did the right thing by deleting the video? No, it made a big mistake as it only added fuel to the fire and started spreading more hate. YouTube's other perspective is also that YouTube needs to keep its image family friendly as it does not want advertisers to leave their platform for some little controversy. The last thing they would want is that their most liked non-music video to be a video about abusive roasts with minimal facts that is surrounded by toxic fandom who treat their favorite YouTuber as a Messiah and spread hate in his name. He also blatantly says that how much important he is for YouTube how YouTube takes a part of ad revenue which only comes off as some kind God Complex with no facts. Yes Carry is very important for YouTube but he is not the only one here. There are millions of YouTube channels that are important for YouTube and Carry is not only thing that matters for YouTube. And of course YouTube takes a part of the revenue, it is their platform after all and without this platform, their is no CarryMinati. Instead of roasting YouTube for actual problems like its shitty copyright abuse system, he is just thinking about himself and how he is the boss on YouTube. He is crying about YouTube mistreating him while he gained 9 million subscribers in 1 month and his song has been trending no.1 for 3 days straight now.

Second verse is basically calling out people snake because they betrayed him. Its basically just him saying these people betrayed me without actual facts. The main targets were Dhruv Rathee, Kunal Kamra and Saiman Says. In all honestly, I do not see why he even added Dhruv because Dhruv just made a normal logical video where he did not even attack Carry. Kunal Kamra was never funny and Its okay that he was in the video but I don't see how he is a traitor. Kunal Kamra deserves a separate roast. The VIP target was obviously Saiman but again how is he even a traitor is beyond my understanding. Saiman's video was not great, infact his second video was better but he could have made a logical response to Saiman instead adding him in a verse that was not even a diss. Now his toxic fans will attack Saiman for the next few weeks. Carry completely ignored Saiman's main point which is that Carry's 90% fanbase is toxic and that his only abusive roast humor is outdated and appeals to toxic kids. Its ironic that a YouTuber who makes content revolving around abuses without any sattire, sarcasm and cleverness can't take criticism.

And that is it. There is nothing more to it. Can't believe people are saying this third class lyrics as something fire. Even Charas Ganja is better than this.

I wanted Carry's Yalgaar to be about him, something more complex about his personal thoughts but its nothing but a baby crying without facts. A baby who is captured in the property of god complex. Even Saiman said that Carry is a good person and that his video should not have been deleted and I know he is a good person in real life but he needs to let go of his this god complex thought that he is very important. Carry is a snake himself considering he is just shiting on the same YouTube that made him famous in the place. Carry needs to switch up his content to something more smart and clever(he won't). Its funny he did not add Dank Rishu in his second verse. Probably because Dank Rishu is too OP for Carry and he would destroy Carry. In the end, people are getting affected by this God Complex be it Youtubers Or their fans. People need to stop taking everything so serioulsy and just focus on their own lives instead of being so serious. Its all mindless entertainment after all and their are actual problems in the world.


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