New Year Resolutions Suck?


 Do New Year Resolutions absolutely suck? New year resolution are seem like a gimmicky move that everyone now days follows where they decide they would do some select things during the year which they think may benefit them. Some people decide they will hit the gym, some decide that will develop a reading habit that they never had, some people decide that they will get rid of their addiction which can be anything,etc. The one thing that is common between them all is that they decide these things for their own benefit. But the problem is that people take these resolutions very lightly. No one is really serious about their resolutions no matter how much they pretend they are. It is almost like people are making these resolutions because just because other people are making them. Its basically crowd mentality all over again. Which brings us back to the original question, Do New Year Resolutions Suck and are ridiculously Dumb?

Well the answer to that question ladies and gentlemen is right inside US!

On a surface level, New Year Resolutions seem like a joke or false promises that a person makes to him or herself and in that case, it is a joke. But what if the tables are turned and some people get committed to their promises? If people are actually serious about what they want to achieve in a given year then the same ridiculous idea of New Year Resolution is no longer ridiculous anymore! Its all about how serious they are. A person may actually be very concerned about their life and may actually be serious about making drastic changes that will help him or her grow better. A person may seriously decide to build a reading, to go to a gym, to start working out, do meditate, to sleep early and then wake early, to work harder, to get rid of their addictions,etc and when a person is very serious about these goals, they know that the end outcome will only benefit them and no one else. In the end we work on ourselves for ourselves and for no one else. When we make our selves better, it will only benefit us and no one else and we can achieve that regardless of what the world might say about us, we will be in a much better place in life and will be much happier and content with what we have got and what we have achieved! 

And all of this brings us back to our original question all over again, Do New Year Resolution Suck? Well that depends on YOU and YOUR perspective of you look at it! Because New Year or not, what matters is that are you seriously committed to these tasks that you have given yourself.


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