What if Facebook died?


Have you ever just sat and wondered that what the world would have been like if Facebook died? How different the world would have been if Facebook did not exist? Just imagine waking up in the morning, picking up your phone and letting the dark realization sink in that Facebook is gone. And when I talk about Facebook, I mean everything that surrounds the Facebook infrastructure like WhatsApp and Instagram. And you may not believe it but you and me already know the answer because most of us have already lived in a world without Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. We grew in a world with restricted Internet and bare minimum Social media. We already know the answers.

The World Will Be a Lot Mysterious

Photo by Kamil Feczko on Unsplash


Without Facebook and Instagram, the world will be a lot mysterious. Pretty much as mysterious as it was in early 2000s era without much quick exchange of information between people. It would have taken a while to get the news of the happenings in the world to reach us. We would have been more unaware of all the crazy and unbelievable things that are happening around us and would have been stuck in our bubble.

The People Would Have Been More Mysterious

Photo by Brad Helmink on Unsplash


In this era of Social Media, we are used to posting different pictures of ourselves doing all types of different things be it working, traveling, eating, sleeping, etc. People are making Vlogs showing their daily lives openly. We can easily find someone from our past and see what are they up to in life. But with the Death of Facebook and Instagram, the mystery we knew in early 2000s era would be back. The people that we got distant from would become completely unknown to us because we would lose the ability to track them through social media. Randomly bumping into people from our past while walking the streets would be a lot more exciting and scary because we would have no way to tell how much a person has changed and what they have been up to in years of no contact.

Contact Disconnect


WhatsApp has become a very important part of our lives when it comes to staying in contact with people be it family, friends or work colleagues. No matter wherever we are, we can contact anyone through WhatsApp be it by texting or through video calls as long as there is an active Internet connection. Sending important files and documents for work has become way too easy now and we can update people of our whereabouts very easily in-case of traveling. All of that would just disappear in case WhatsApp ceases to exist. Of course we have much better alternatives like Telegram that would probably take its place but we are talking about a worse case scenario here and in that case we would again go back to early 2000s era and rely on slow and expensive SMS to connect.

The Death Of Fake News


Of course with positives come all the negatives and the biggest sin of social media is Fake News that can easily manipulate the masses into believing things that are not even true. Terrorists organizations use these encrypted platforms to spread their agendas. So much spam and scam exist in these platforms. All of these would cease to exist we would get back to complete telephone scams which still exist by the way.

The Death of Fast Lifestyle

Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram has made our lives significantly faster. be it managing relationship or staying in subtle touch with someone or sending importamnt documents for work, all of these things have become very easy and quick to manage. WhatsApp is used to send documents and Facebook/Instagram are used for promotional purposes all the time and their algorithms really help in promotion. The need to physically be in a place or the need to use physical papers for work has slowly reduced. But with the death of Social media, all of those boring and time consuming work related activities will return and it will be very bad for people like me who hate papers.

The Death Of Cringey Instagram Reels

But wait, People will use YouTube Shorts or TikTok instead.

So if Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram die, it would not be the end of the world. Somethings will slow down and work related things will become significantly more slow and difficult but life will adjust and we will keep living. Again, this the worse case scenario and in reality, there will always be some other platform that will take its place but the actual reality is....    FACEBOOK WILL NEVER DIE.


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