Why A Man Became Joker! // Joker Moview Review //

Joker is a different movie.It is a difficult movie to talk about and digest and it is difficult movie in a sense that it is not a sit back and relax movie like what we are used to now a days.Infact it is a movie that asks its audience for their complete attention and it request the audience to dig deeper because the topic of the movie is rather complicated and convoluted and somehow makes you question your own morality.After leaving the theaters,you will realize that this so called perfect world is not as perfect as we see it and we have always known that but this movie makes us think about it with a lot more depth than we usually do when we are locked away in our bubble.And that is why Joker is such a realistic film with very realistic scenarios that fits the situation in our times and maybe that is one of the reasons why the so called critics hate the movie and the audience loves it.Maybe the movie does not fit the agendas of the these critics and they are shouting around saying that movies like these cause violence and even though what they say is nonsense,I personally think that few people who maybe suffering from mental illness can have some kind of impact in their thought process.Again,do not get me wrong,I am not saying that the movie justifies violence or promotes violence or any of that stuff.All I am saying is that mentally disturbed people may have a difficult time watching this film.
The movie is loosely based on the graphic novel Batman:The Killing Joke(1988) by Alan More which itself is loosely based on the 1951 comic The Man Behind The Red Hood!.

Batman:The Killing Joke Cover

The Man Behind The Red Hood Cover
This is the movie that finally gives us the backstory of our favorite villain Joker based on the point of view of the Writer and the Director Todd Phillips in a very grounded way.People should know that Joker does not have a fixed origin story in the comics and different materials have had different origin stories and in major cases,Joker has told fake or inaccurate origin stories to people just to manipulate them throughout comic book history.So yeah the film has told the story as imagined by Todd Phillips.And the film makes sure that we understand the motivation behind the mindset of  The Joker.When we were kids,we used to love the heroes and now that we are adults,we understand the villains.We understand why they do what they do and we understand the motivation behind their actions and Joker does an absolutely fantastic job in showing us how THE JOKER is born.Joker is a slow-burner without a doubt and is not a film for everyone.It is a slow and steady Psychological Thriller at its core that shows the story of a person who has an illness, is struggling to be a stand up comedian, is very poor and has to look after his partially disabled mother and possibly is mentally disturbed and how he is being treated as absolute garbage by the people around him and the society that he always tries to make happy.It shows the battle of a mentally disturbed person with a rather weird real life illness as he struggles to keep his sanity in one piece while dealing with constant disrespect,abuse,physical and mental bullying and betrayal of people that he believed in.We see the tension rising slowly and steadily throughout the film as the pain in the man's head builds up and by the end,he is unable to take it anymore and the emotions of years of anger finally burst out as he decides that the only resolution to his pain is to switch off the people he does not like and hence THE JOKER is born.It is a conflicting movie because we know that THE JOKER and his actions cannot be justified but at the same time,we completely understand why he is doing it and we sympathise with the character.We have seen lots of crazy and insane villains but through this film,we finally see the creation of a crazy and insane villain.And that makes it a proper dark and heavy movie to digest.Joker is not a villain in this movie but rather he is the hero of his own movie where finally, he is free of the pressures of the society and the pressure of following the norms of the society and that is why this movie is so chaotic.The one person that balances THE JOKER is BATMAN but he is not here.Bruce Wayne is just shown as an insignificant kid in Joker's universe.The relationship between Batman and Joker is like Ying & Yang and they keep each other balanced and since their is no Batman, the weight shifts to just one side and that is why the final act of the movie is just pure chaos with no one to stop it.Infact the entire 2 hours of the movie were nothing but chaos!And how can I forget about Joaquin Phoenix!What an amazing acting by him and he gave his own touch to the character and his Joker laughs were beautiful!It is worth watching the movie for his performance alone!
If nothing else,you will definitely leave the theater thinking about the way you treat other people and how your treatment affects them and that is why Joker is such a realistic movie and that is why it successfully sucks us into the mentality of the character!

Score - 10/10
CLICK HERE for trailer.  
